AIREX gymnastics mat Coronita

Item number 12005500500
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Fitshop Expert Review
Area of application
Shock absorption
  • Airex gymnastics mat Coronita with excellent cushioning
  • More space for an even greater variety of exercises
  • Flexible soft material - anti-slip and even !
  • Waterproof: ideal for swimming exercises and easy to clean
  • Kind to the skin
  • Easy to roll
  • Hard-wearing
  • Size: 195 x 80 cm; thickness: 1.5 cm

More space for more exercises - the AIREX gymnastics mat Coronita.

The AIREX gymnastics mat Coronita is ideal for varied exercises of gymnastics, aerobics, dumbbell workouts, and physiotherapy. Thanks to waterresistant coating, the AIREX gymnastics mat Coronita can also be used for swimming exercises and is easy to clean. The AIREX gymnastics mat Coronita is equipped with an excellent absorption and is very hard-wearing. The AIREX gymnastics mat Coronita is anti-slip for safe exercising. Dimensions of 195 x 80 cm of the AIREX gymnastics mat Coronita offer much more space than common gymnastics mats. The bigger widgth allows more exercise sequences (i.e. with half-turn) and the therapist can kneel on the AIREX gymnastics mat Coronita. The AIREX gymnastics mat Coronita provides an even greater variety of exercises.

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5 of 5 Stars

(1 Customer rating)

Fitshop Expert Review
Area of application
Shock absorption

Airex Gymnastikmatte Coronita
0 persons found this review helpful
Diese Matte ist gut gegen Bodenkälte isolierend. Sie ist rutschfest, sodass ich sicher üben kann (Gymnastik+Yoga). Sie ist angenehm weich - gut für meinen Rücken. Sie liegt sofort vollflächig auf dem Boden und lässt sich gut zusammenrollen. Ich halte sie mit zwei breiten Gummibändern zusammen, stelle sie hochkant um dann den Transportsack darüberzustülpen. In den passen auch noch Schuhe, Decke etc. Sack zu - umhängen - fertig! Ich bin rundum zufrieden!

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